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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dreams and Creativity

A lot of creative ideas have come from dreams. For example Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, started out as a dream. Its creator Robert Louis Stevenson would use his dreams to get ideas for his stories. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein also began as a dream. Stephen King gets some of his ideas in a similar manner.
The song Yesterday was first heard by Paul McCartney in a dream.

The Snooze Button

I hate the snooze button it is totally useless. It gives me just enough time to drift
back into sleep, and then wakes me up again. Really loudly. So what I try to do is manually set the alarm again and give myself a good half hour to an hour. But it still doesn't change the fact that my alarm is way too loud and way too annoying.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not A Morning Person

I have come to the conclusion, after spending over thirty years on this planet, that I am not a morning person. Or at least I have turned into someone who does not like waking up too early. Now too early can be anytime really. Anytime you feel like you need more sleep.

One of the other issues I have with mornings is that I can never find an alarm clock that I like. They are either very loud and sound more like a fire alarm or they are very quiet and I end up sleeping through them. So I either wake up and get stressed out from the nerve jangling alarm or I use the quieter alarm, don't wake up and miss the bus and get even more stressed out.